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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Charles Anderson savagely attacked a villager from Emmerdale in a fit of fury.

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Following the passing of his father Victor in Emmerdale, Charles Anderson has been having emotional difficulties. He is poised to lash out at another village with his rage.

In future Emmerdale scenes, Rebecca Sarker’s Manpreet Sharma and Emile John’s Ethan Anderson take the day off from work to assist Claudette Anderson (Flo Wilson) with funeral preparations.

Manpreet tries her best to uplift Claudette, and when they decide to go ahead with the burial, there is a rare instance of sincere affection between them.

The following day, Manpreet calls Charles Anderson (Kevin Mathurin), pleading with him to come back to Emmerdale as he struggles under the weight of the secret.

Later, when Charles can no longer escape his troubles, he makes it home.

Charles, however, finds it difficult to tell his mother the truth and instead slinks out of the house feeling guilty.

Tom King (James Chase), who was troubled to see Charles drinking so freely in the Woolpack, watches as a dark cloud approaches him.

Tom’s attempts to empathize with the local vicar only serve to inflame him further until he loses all control.

Tom responds after Charles strikes the child, but Charles quickly pins him to the pub’s bar as startled onlookers watch.

After numerous threats, Charles’ family’s visit is what eventually causes him to lose his temper and free Tom.

Concerned for Charles’ welfare, his family is left behind when he bolts from The Woolpack.

Will Manpreet be able to get Charles to speak the truth as she chases after him and begs him to?

After his father Victor Anderson (Eddie Osei) was discovered dead at St. Mary’s Church in recent scenes, Charles’ inner anguish started.

He was accused of snatching Manpreet’s relative’s necklace when he was attempting to elude the police.

Later, it was discovered that Victor’s own son, Charles, had falsely accused him of stealing the family relic to elude his mother, Claudette.

Since then, Charles has been tormented with guilt, so in order to deal with his feelings, he chose to leave the hamlet.

In forthcoming ITV soap opera scenes, will Manpreet be able to reason with Charles?

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