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11 huge Home and Away spoilers for next week – big moments coming up.

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What’s next in Summer Bay?

Next week on Home and Away, Theo and Kirby’s secret romance grows increasingly complicated.

Rose is also uncertain about her future in Summer Bay, while Cash is dealing with flashbacks to his failed relationship with Jasmine.

Here is a comprehensive list of the upcoming 11 major events.

Justin discovers Theo’s secret

While Justin and Leah are gone, Theo enjoys some alone time with Kirby, but the young couple is discovered when Justin gets home.

When Justin questions the couple’s privacy, they respond that Lyrik forbids romances between bands.

Later, Justin notices Theo and Kirby’s on-stage chemistry and tells them to quit being so overt about their love.

Kirby’s distraction tactics alarm Theo

When Remi becomes aware that there might be a relationship between her and Theo, Kirby becomes concerned. Remi encourages Theo to flirt with a complete stranger at Salt in an effort to test his theory.

Theo is forced to act when Kirby subtly texts him to kiss the other woman in order to disprove Remi. Theo informs the woman that he is interested in someone else and declines to play games.

When they are alone, Theo accuses Kirby of going too far with their cover-up and challenges her about her demands surrounding the kiss.

Marilyn is unsettled over Heather

Remi realises that she and Theo might be having a relationship, and this worries Kirby. By pushing Theo to flirt with a complete stranger at Salt, Remi tries to put his idea to the test.

When Kirby subtly texts Theo to kiss the other woman to disprove Remi, Theo plays along but is forced to act inappropriately. Theo says he is interested in someone else and declines to play games with the woman.

When they are alone, Theo confronts Kirby and tells her that she went too far with their cover-up by making the demands she did regarding the kiss.

Marilyn is spooked by a bad omen

Irene learns from Marilyn that she has a bad feeling about Heather. There is a one-day wait for a caravan to become available for Heather, so Irene won’t take any of it and asks Heather to spend the night at her house.

Then Marilyn consults her tarot cards for advice and concludes that they portend bad news for Heather. She tries to warn Roo, but Roo rejects her ideas.

Roo fears the worst over Marilyn

Roo is concerned that Marilyn’s attitude on Heather may hurt her tutoring career. Irene adds out that Marilyn’s peculiar behaviour solely seems to centre around Heather, leading the woman to even begin to worry if Marilyn has stopped taking her medication.

Roo and Marilyn resolve to accept their differences regarding Heather when Alf encourages them to have a conversation.

Nikau enjoys no-strings romance

Nikau is approached by Heather, who asks him to accompany her to Lyrik’s next performance. Nikau complies and appears to appreciate Heather’s straightforward approach to dating.

Following their time spent together at the performance, Heather accepts Nikau’s invitation to return and spend the night.

Tane worries about Nikau

The next morning, Tane is shocked to see Heather with Nikau. After his breakup with Bella, Nikau may be going too swiftly forwards, he worries.

Tane is warned to stay out of it when he remarks that it’s unusual for Nikau to bring a stranger home.

Later, Nikau begins to have second thoughts about Heather but is comforted when she expresses her desire for nothing serious.

Cash faces further heartbreak

After Bree agrees that Cash can recover at home, he is released from the hospital earlier than anticipated. Felicity extends a return invitation to Cash to the Paratas’ house since he doesn’t want to return to Irene’s, where he previously resided with Jasmine.

The engagement ring Cash bought for Jasmine is a sad reminder of what he has lost when he opens his bag.

Rose challenges Bree

When Rose learns that Cash has been released from the hospital, she is taken aback and worries that it is too soon. Bree defends herself when Rose confronts her.

Later, Rose worries about the circumstance even more and discovers that she has been excluded from Cash’s recuperation. When Cash decides to completely block Rose and Xander out of his life because he doesn’t want any memories of his previous relationship with Jasmine, things only grow worse.

Rose and Xander’s future is revealed

Since Cash, one of her only friends in the neighbourhood, has chosen to cut her off, Rose confides in Xander that she’s not sure if she wants to continue living in the Bay.

Rose is sceptical when she learns that her brother has received a new tattoo as part of his troubling coping therapy, despite the fact that Xander feels differently and claims that living in the Bay is helpful for him.

Later, Irene supports Rose in realising how many people in the Bay care for her.

Ziggy makes a big decision

Ziggy battles worries that she will never achieve her goal of being a professional surfer. Dean is also concerned that he could be restraining Ziggy.

Dean exhorts Ziggy to follow her dreams, reassuring her that he and Jai will always be there to welcome her home after her adventures. Ziggy makes the decision to participate in yet another contest and is ecstatic to be pursuing her goals.

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