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6 Coronation Spoilers for Next Week – 24th to 28th June

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Next week on Coronation Street, Bernie turns to Kit for help after Gemma is arrested, Joel’s parents make a shock discovery, Steve gets his hopes up, and Glenda makes George an offer.

Please note, due to football coverage on ITV1, Corrie will only be airing on Monday and Friday. Episodes will be made available for early viewing at 7am on ITVX.

1) Gemma is arrested

Next week, the Winter-Brown family will continue to experience hardship as Gemma (Dolly-Rose Campbell) is taken into custody for larceny.

After the landlord declared he was selling No. 5, Gemma and her husband Chesney (Sam Aston) found out last week that they were going to be evicted.

And as the new week gets underway, Gemma gets a £70 parking notice in the mail, which breaks her heart. The seven-member family is already having financial difficulties, and Gemma is well aware that in addition to all the expenses, Carys, the family’s 4-year-old daughter (Lily & Lucy Taylor), is in desperate need of new shoes.

Now that Carys is in discomfort, Gemma is forced to take her daughter to a shoe store to acquire an accurate measurement of her feet. However, Gemma is dismayed to learn that Carys requires shoes that cost £45 from the assistant, Tilly Sutcliffe.

In a desperate move, Gemma takes Carys’s hand and quickly leaves the store without paying for the shoes while the clerk is preoccupied!

Bernie, Gemma’s mother (Jane Hazlegrove), is perplexed when she sees the new shoes and wonders how Gemma paid for them. Will she tell the truth?

When Joseph (William Flanagan) invites some of his pals from the elite Oakhill private school home for supper, Chesney is entrusted with feeding the throng in the meanwhile.

Gran Linda (Jacqueline Leonard) is funding Joseph’s schooling there, but Gemma and Chesney have occasionally been uneasy about Joseph’s marginally less wealthy upbringing.

Linda made plans to take the schoolfriends to the cafe when they visited the street last month in an attempt to “take the pressure off,” but Gemma felt that their house wasn’t good enough.

Similar circumstances arose last week when Joseph’s pal Olly’s (Keelan Wright) mother dropped him off at home. Greeting Chesney, Carrie-Ann (Chloe Carter) remarked that he must be a very busy man.

It became clear that Carrie-Ann didn’t actually think Chesney managed the neighborhood kebab store Prima Doner—rather, she thought he owned a massive catering company. Even though it was just her supposition, Joseph did not correct her, which gave Chesney the impression that Joseph was embarrassed by his father’s profession.

In light of this, there might be a raised eyebrow when Chesney gives Joseph and his friends the best kebabs from Prima Doner, but fortunately it seems like a hit with the happy kids.

However, Gemma is completely taken aback when she eventually opens the door to Bruce (Daniel Brennan), Olly’s father, and realizes who it is that is there in front of her.

Gemma is arrested for shoplifting and sent down to Weatherfield Police Station early the following morning. While on duty, Kit (Jacob Roberts) is taken aback to discover his half-sister getting scheduled.

Bernie approaches her long-lost son despite their rocky relationship, pleading with him to do anything he can to obtain Gemma’s release—especially because she has a history of shoplifting charges.

Kit genuinely seems to want to try and build a relationship with his brothers, even though he isn’t willing to forgive Bernie for giving him up right now. Kit visits Bruce at the shoe store as a result, but will he be able to assist Gemma?

Later, when Gemma finds out about Kit’s actions, she is curious as to why, in the absence of their relationship, he would wish to assist her.

But when Gemma invites him into No.5 to meet Chesney and the kids, Kit receives a shocking phone call from his father which could change everything…

2) Is Sabrina’s mate onto Joel?

Elsewhere on the cobbles, it seems that a stranger has already seen through predator Joel’s (Calum Lill) facade.

Last week, Joel ran into an agitated Sabrina (Luana Santos) outside the police station. When he asked her how she was, she revealed that her brother Gav (Noah Olaoye) had been taken into custody.

Before Sabrina’s partner, Sydney Martin, arrived, Joel quickly offered the young girl his services and gave her his business card. The two then entered.

Viewers have just learned that Joel was Lauren Fitton’s (Cait Fitton) violent ex-boyfriend, who severely battered her in her precinct apartment prior to her disappearance.

For an extended period, the seemingly well-mannered solicitor has been living a double life with Dee-Dee (Channique Sterling-Brown), her girlfriend and current fiancée.

The following week, even though Sabrina appears appreciative of Joel’s offer of assistance, her friend feels that she should avoid him completely because Joel is a creep. Although Sabrina acknowledges that she might have been a little naive, will she take her advice?

3) Amy puts her foot in it with Dee-Dee

Concurrently, following a catastrophic initial encounter with Joel’s parents, Gus (played by Chris Garner) and Anthea (played by Carol Royle), Dee-Dee makes plans to revisit the restaurant with her father Ed (Trevor Michael Georges).

Joel hadn’t proposed to Dee-Dee until after their first lunch, so it’s even more crucial for her to try and make amends with her future in-laws—especially since their engagement celebration is quickly approaching.

Anthea apologizes to Dee-Dee for her remarks, and things appear to be going well at first. However, it doesn’t take long for server Amy (Elle Mulvaney) to reveal the engagement.

Gus and Anthea are stunned, but what will become of them?

Joel gets a text from Sabrina’s partner later in the week while he and Dee-Dee are getting ready for their engagement celebration. She gives him an order to come see her and says he will regret it if he doesn’t.

4) Steve gets his hopes up

Further celebrations are in the process of being organised on the street with Steve’s (Simon Gregson) 50th birthday approaching, and best mate Tim (Joe Duttine) is keen to have a lads’ night out.

Sally (Sally Dynevor) later shows Tim their exclusive invitation to the unveiling of Tommy Orpington’s (Matt Milburn) new bust at the Weathy County ground, and Tim’s gutted to realise that it’s on the day of Steve’s 50th.

Though he omits the detail that he’s headed to congratulate the man who ran off with Steve’s wife Tracy (Kate Ford), Tim grudgingly informs Steve that he won’t be able to make his party after all.

Steve, however, interprets it as an indication that a surprise party is being arranged for him rather than being very dissatisfied.

Steve becomes even more convinced of his notion later in the week when he overhears Sally informing Tim that she’s heading into town to get a new costume for the special occasion the next day.

When Amy tells Steve that Tracy’s intended visit home has been canceled because his ex has decided to remain in Spain, Steve is actually a little let down. It seems like all hope of getting her back is now lost!

When Steve mentions his party to Tyrone (Alan Halsall), Cassie (Claire Sweeney), and Kevin (Michael Le Vell) in the Rovers, they all deny knowing about it. Will Steve’s buddies realize he’s just setting himself up for more disappointment as he smirks, thinking they’re all keeping their cards close to the vest?

5) Kevin and Stefan face off

Kevin gives Tyrone an update on the Stefan situation the next week after his unexpected visit.

When wife Abi (Sally Carman-Duttine) started seeing deepfake erotic movies online featuring her picture, the couple couldn’t figure out who would have the money or the resentment toward Abi to do such a thing.

It didn’t take long to figure out that the owner of the magazine was Stefen (Paul Opacic), the father of Corey Brent, when Bethany (Lucy Fallon) disclosed that she had landed a position there and her first task was to write a flattering story on the murderer of Abi’s late son Seb.

With Stefan also being on the board of directors for the production company who were filming a documentary about Corey’s prison football prowess, at least until a campaign by Abi saw it canned, Abi was certain she’d found her culprit.

Kevin secretly asked Bethany if he could borrow her swipe card to gain access to the magazine’s HQ, and after sneaking into Stefan’s office, he pocketed a mobile phone. Unfortunately Kevin’s escapade was caught on a hidden camera, and after Stefan confronted him with the evidence, the two made an agreement.

Whilst both keeping the evidence against each other, Kevin wouldn’t hand over the phone to the police, whilst Stefan would pay for a company to monitor and remove all traces of the videos going forward.

But the next week, Stefan chooses to back out of the agreement since he cannot afford to pay the £60,000 a year that would be required to have the films removed.

How will Kevin respond now that Stefan has called his bluff and he still has the phone?

Later in the week, as the aftermath from the previous events still lingers, Abi tells Kevin she is leaving for a few days to visit her twins Charlie and Lexi in Essex with their adoptive mother Lynsey.

Kevin tries to remain upbeat despite the already tense situation while Abi leaves with her belongings.

6) Glenda makes George an offer

Over at the Rovers, Glenda (Jodie Prenger) is still determined to get what she is owed from her brother George (Tony Maudsley), after an alternative copy of their father’s will was discovered which revealed he had planned to leave her 50% of the undertakers.

Glenda has already asked Dee-Dee to serve George with papers detailing her intention to sue, and an attempted mediation in the Rovers didn’t manage to get the siblings to meet eye to eye.

But Glenda’s new partner Michael is starting to become a little weary of her activism, and it’s becoming obvious how he feels. Glenda is concerned that he could be moving on from her already.

In an attempt to draw a line under things, Glenda heads over to the undertakers and gives George another proposition—given that George is living with partner Eileen (Sue Cleaver) anyway, she’ll drop the case against him if he gives her his house.

Will George agree?

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