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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Home and Away Spoilers – Alf Stewart gets his 5 minutes of fame

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Next week on Home and Away in the UK, Alf saves the day when John gets stage fright before his big TV debut, while one of the Lyrik crew finally lands themself a job.

Celebs are abound in Summer Bay next week, as production begins on Stevie Marlow’s (Catherine Van-Davies) new rom-com movie All Our Tomorrows.

Wishing to keep Cash (Nicholas Cartwright) on as her personal security, despite his not wanting to leave Summer Bay, Stevie instead convinced director Nelson (Mahesh Jadu) to relocate the filming of the movie to the seaside town.

When Stevie promised to cover the relocation costs out of her own cash, the producers quickly changed their minds, despite their initial opposition to the move due to the fact that they had previously constructed a mountain cabin set.

Although Alf (Ray Meagher), the president of the surf club, wasn’t thrilled about Hollywood coming to Summer Bay either, club manager John (Shane Withington) quickly accepted the offer behind Alf’s back thanks to Nelson’s guarantee of a $50,000 fee.

As if having Hollywood in town wasn’t enough, the locals are thrilled to hear that the Sunrise crew is going to Summer Bay the following week to interview Stevie.

For those in the UK who are unaware, Sunrise is the breakfast program on the Seven Network that hosts Natalie Barr and former Olympic sprinter Matt “Shirvo” Shirvington every weekday morning and airs throughout Australia.

They plan to start Stevie’s interview by having John drive her onto the beach in the surf club’s Can-Am buggy, so they ask if he’d be ready to sign a release form. John is still hanging out with Nelson, offering his help in any way he can.

Marilyn (Emily Symons) calls Jett (Will McDonald) to inform him that his father will be featured on national television, shocking John.

John tells others throughout the remainder of the day to tune in the following morning, but when the time comes for JP’s fifteen minutes of glory… He is not visible at all!

Cash reassures Stevie that John won’t let her down, but Alf is perplexed.

Alf goes to investigate and discovers John trying to recite some prepared lines in a frenzy in the surf club office. John suffers stage fear because he has been able to psych himself up so much!

Alf is compelled to take over and drive Stevie to the shore with just a few minutes left before the live broadcast.

As they wait for their cue, Stevie realizes that Alf must be wishing he was somewhere else, but the two wind up having a heartfelt moment as they discover they genuinely like fishing together.

Alf can see that Stevie has put a lot of effort into getting to where she is now, and she is appreciative of his good remarks.

Natalie Barr opens the piece from the Sunrise studios, crossing live to Shirvo in Summer Bay as Alf and Stevie arrive. Dana (Ally Harris) is one of the locals tuning in.

Shirvo remarks that Alf has quite the fan after Stevie introduces him to the audience as her “new fishing buddy.”

The feeling’s mutual,” Alf replies.

As the interview progresses, Shirvo briefly throws Stevie off when she brings up Sydney Wickham (Joshua McElroy), her stalker. Sydney tried to attack Stevie at a fan meet & greet, and she is currently being held on remand.

Although Stevie acknowledges that it was a difficult period, she is now able to go on with her life since he is in prison.

After the interview draws to a close, Alf is able to play chauffeur again to Shirvo as he asks for a lift back up to the club.

Meanwhile, a saddened John sits alone in the office as he receives a text from Jett, who had organised a watch party with his mates, asking where he was. Poor old JP!

Elsewhere in Summer Bay, the foundations of Lyrik’s share house are shaken when one of the residents becomes employed!

With the band having performed their first gig of the year as a foursome, at ‘manager’ Justin’s (James Stewart) wedding to Leah (Ada Nicodemou), the group are now on another enforced break after lead singer Theo (Matt Evans) needed time out for his mental health.

Whilst Remi (Adam Rowland) is occupying himself romancing movie star Stevie Marlow (Catherine Van-Davies), and Eden has been busy throwing daggers at brother Levi (Tristan Gorey) and his lover Mackenzie (Emily Weir), Kirby is finding herself at a loose end.

Although Kirby is at least trying to be productive by using the downtime to write new songs, her muse seems to have taken a leave of absence. Bored in the diner, Kirby risks the wrath of Stewart when she looks over Alf’s (Ray Meagher) shoulder and gives him the answer to his crossword clue.

Haven’t you got somewhere else to be?” Alf grumbles.

Apparently not,” Kirby sighs as she sits down with yet another coffee.

Meanwhile, Mali (Kyle Shilling) is becoming snowed under with board orders. After encountering Stevie at the board shop as she admired his handiwork last week, Mali was thrilled when she offered to post a pic on her socials.

Mali is really appreciative of the boost, but Stevie’s photo definitely had the anticipated effect and more, and it has partly swamped his one-person business.

Mali becomes even more unbalanced when he realizes he has to postpone his early-morning surfing class due to the beach being closed for the Sunrise interview. Since it is his busiest class and many of the students want to surf before work, he is unable to just reschedule.

Mali dumps on his lover Rose, who then tells Roo (Georgie Parker) about it.

Justin (James Stewart) is in the middle of asking Kirby how her songwriting is doing when Roo later calls into the diner and informs Alf that Mali is having difficulties.

“Are you in need of something?” When Roo learns that things aren’t going well, she inquires.

Too right she is,” chuckles Alf.

Roo suddenly gets inspired and pulls Kirby down to the surf club, where she introduces Kirby to Mali.

The two say they’ve only met once or twice before, but that’s not the point. Roo knows Kirby is a great surfer, and since the two are currently having difficulties, perhaps they might have a little conversation.

As Roo leaves the club with a self-satisfied grin, has she just solved Mali and Kirby’s problems?

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